Michael Piacenza Photography


The Driftless region is defined by what is missing. Millenia ago, glaciers scraped across the midwest scooping up debris and depositing it as a blanket of drift. The areas they skirted remained driftless, unaffected as the world around was forever changed.

Over the course of a year, I made these images while driving through the region early in the morning before my family and the world awoke. No social obligations, no relationships to navigate. The work I escaped was someone else’s here. No crops to harvest, only to observe, unaffected.

The images in this collection are a meditation on the driftless. Subjects left to their own, watching the world go by, steadfast against change, or simply reflecting their own sense of place.


The Driftless region is defined by what is missing. Millenia ago, glaciers scraped across the midwest scooping up debris and depositing it as a blanket of drift. The areas they skirted remained driftless, unaffected as the world around was forever changed.

Over the course of a year, I made these images while driving through the region early in the morning before my family and the world awoke. No social obligations, no relationships to navigate. The work I escaped was someone else’s here. No crops to harvest, only to observe, unaffected.

The images in this collection are a meditation on the driftless. Subjects left to their own, watching the world go by, steadfast against change, or simply reflecting their own sense of place.

July 30, 2023

July 30, 2023

May 7, 2023

July 2, 2023

September 4, 2023

July 25, 2023

December 10, 2022

May 7, 2023

September 4, 2023

December 10, 2022

July 22, 2023

September 2, 2023